How iFundEducation62 Become a Partner with Sokong 1 Elementary School?

On August 5, 2018, a magnitude 7.0 earthquake severely shook the island of Lombok. That is equivalent to the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake that collapses the double-decker Bay Bridge. It is a bridge that connects San Francisco with East Bay.

When Lombok was trying to recover from the earthquake, our friends from @lautbiruproject introduced us to the principle of Sokong 1 Public Elementary School (SDN 1 Sokong), namely Mr. Sumiarno (a.k.a Pak No). The school was one of the many earthquake victims. From there, we started a fundraiser for Sokong 1 Public Elementary School. Our first fundraiser helped them to rebuild students’ toilets and provide the teacher’s lounge sofa.

At the beginning of 2020, iFundEducation62 was created with one of the missions is to continue the unfinished fundraiser for Sokong 1 Public Elementary School.

iFundEducation62 did not see Pandemic was coming on the original plan. However, with support from the Indonesian diaspora in San Francisco Bay Area, iFundEducation62 successfully raise funds to assist the students at Sokong 1 Public Elementary School to receive personal protection equipment.

Stay tuned for more assistance we will provide to the students at Sokong 1 Public Elementary School & students in the USA. Hint, iFundEducation62 wants them to be ready to face global competition.