Nadira is a sophomore in high school based in Chicago. She teaches 5th-grade students at SDN Belitung every Wednesday.
Kiram is a junior in high school based in Texas. He teaches 5th-grade students at SDN 1 Sokong every Friday.
Nadine is a senior in high school based in San Francisco. She teaches 5th-grade students at SDN Belitung every Wednesday.
Ronel is a sophomore in high school based in East Bay. He teaches 5th-grade students at SDN 1 Sokong every Friday.
Elmo is a Sophomore in college based in San Francisco Bay Area. He supervises the class and also recruits volunteers.
Gede is a Sophomore in college based in San Francisco Bay Area. He supervises the class.
Zachary is a sophomore in college based in the San Francisco Bay Area. He supervises the class.
Pierre is a sophomore in college based in San Francisco Bay Area. He supervises the class.
Thet is a senior in high school based in San Mateo county. He is an intern helping in creating lesson plan slides.
Marcel is a junior in high school based in San Francisco Bay Area. He volunteered teaching 6th grade students at Sokong Public Elementary School in Summer – Fall 2021
Kirana is a senior in high school based in San Francisco Bay Area. She volunteered teaching 5th grade students at Sokong Public Elementary School during our founding time in Winter/Spring 2021.
Btari is a sophomore in high school based in San Francisco Bay Area. She volunteered teaching 5th grade students at Sokong Public Elementary School during our founding time in Winter/Spring 2021.
Fiona is a sophomore in college based in San Francisco Bay Area. She teaches 7th grade from SMP Sanggau Ledo every Friday.